Engage with our Data Quality (DQ) team. They can identify data problems in your EHR system exports and imports. Our virtual consultations give you access both to nationally known data quality experts.
JPSys can help you improve the interoperability of the clinical data in your EHR system. We will assemble the appropriate clinical and technical team needed to help your organization.
Have local codes in your system which need to be mapped to international standard reference terminologies such as LOINC, RX Norm or SNOMED? This will give them precise meanings. when shared with other providers.
Stakeholder engagement can be difficult when confronting other providers on issues of incoming data quality.
We develop custom Communications Plans for your business stakeholders and data exchange partners.
Book an initial free IT services meeting on line with one of our Healthcare IT consulting teams.
If prescriptions have been miscoded, then drug - drug interaction checks won't work. If data quality is lacking then patient safety is lacking. The most common problems are missing codes, codes in the wrong place and miscoded data. We can look at your EHR data to find these problems and help remedy them. Investigate the risks that might exist in your EHR system and in incoming CDA data.
DQ Doctor is a registered trademark of J P Systems, Inc.
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